Social Media Consulting & Management for Modern Creators & Brands


We are a bespoke social media consulting and management agency that supports brands, businesses, content creators and entrepreneurs eager to make their mark unforgettable.

As the founder and owner, Viennelyn Maier brings more than 15 years of social media and corporate marketing experience to the agency.

Our work elevates and grows the social presence of brands and businesses and the work of content creators and entrepreneurs on the rise.

Social Media Consulting & Management


I’m Viennelyn Maier, and I’m excited that you’re here. After more than 15 years of corporate social media and marketing experience, I started my social media strategy and management agency to empower creators, entrepreneurs, and brands to elevate their work and make their mark mémorable online.

In my work as a corporate leader, I partnered with some of the world’s most prestigious brands, such as TikTok, BILL, Salesforce, and IDEO, and led corporate social media, content marketing, and brand strategy to help these clients reach their business goals. My agency offers full-service social media management, from understanding the ever-changing algorithms and current trends research to increasing social engagement and reach.

From building community with your customers and achieving your goals on social media to sharing relevant and inspiring narratives that communicate your brand’s story, I’m committed to working closely with you to improve the quality of your content par excellence across your digital footprint and convert your audience into paying customers, all in an effort to support your business’s bottom line.

Let me provide the tools and support you need to craft a brand that’s unique, exciting, and perfectly tailored to you and your audience.

Together, let’s make your mark mémorable.

Founder and Social Media Strategist



Sharing your brand’s story – how and why your work came to be, whether it required a culmination of years of hard, heart-led work, an assembly of brilliant minds working toward a collective purpose, or something else altogether – is your business’s magique. 

The impact of storytelling on social media isn’t news in this modern era of business. But what we as creators and consumers appreciate about social media isn’t simply great storytelling; it’s the ability for any social post, such as an Instagram reel or TikTok video, to satisfy our desire for the world around us – including the products we buy and the services we trust – to feel more human, more relatable, and more personalized to our wishes and dreams. It’s that sense of joie de vivre – the joy of living – that I aim to inspire in the content I create.

The work that I bring to life as a social media strategist is yours, and the opportunity to share your story is an honor I take to heart for every strategic partnership. I’d love to support you in this way, too.

Social Storytelling with a Purpose

(and magique)

Ready to Elevate Your Brand Experience on Social Media?

Together, let’s make your mark mémorable.